Friday, April 8, 2011

Great Places I've Eaten Strikes Back!

Well to follow my previous post here is another fantastic place to eat.

It's called Zunzis and it's located in beautiful Savannah, GA.

Of course Savannah being a walking city and everything this place fits right in. It's located next to Oglethorpe Square. They are only open 11am-6pm and they get packed very quickly. So either show up early for lunch or take a late one. The place itself is actually only big enough to walk in, order, get your food, and leave but they do have a nice patio area were you can sit, eat, and enjoy Savannah's usually mild and wonderful weather.

The guy that runs it is South African and has a very charismatic and funny personality. I found out about this place through some friends of mine who are locals. The first time they took me there the guy was joking with us while expertly preparing our meals and was constantly sampling tasty little tid bits to anyone who was interested. He's especially proud of his home made South African sausage and has every right to be, as it fabulous.

When I go I usually get the Godfather. Which is a monster of a sub that usually has to be eaten with a fork (unless you're as talented as me). It has his sausage and baked chicken breast that has been marinaded in his very own blend of seasoning. This is topped with cheese (provolone I think), lettuce, then marinara sauce and parmesan. It is heavenly and definitely worth a trip to Savannah just for it!

I've also had their humus (which is home made as well I think) and it's very delicious and makes a great appetizer or afternoon snack. If you try a salad definitely get the house dressing as it amazing and unlike anything else I've ever had.